everyday vegan recipes

Beet cake

Beet cake


I saw an instagram post a week or so ago and was inspired by that persons beet cake photo to create my own recipe. This has got to be one of my favorite cakes! It has a nice, light sweet beet flavor and is super moist. It doesn’t even need frosting!

Beet cake

1 package pre cooked beets or 1 large beet, cooked and peeled

1 1/2 C all purpose flour

1/2 almond meal

1/2 t baking soda

1 t baking powder

1/2 salt

2/3 C brown sugar

1/2 C almond milk

1/3 C almond oil


Purée the beets with a little water. Not too much though! It shouldn’t be watered down. You want a nice purée.

Add that to bowl and combine the rest of the ingredients. I start with the flour first. Mix together well.

 Add batter to either a lightly greased cake pan or a parchment lined cake pan.


Bake on 375′ for 20 minutes.


I made chocolate pudding to go with it… Mostly because my husband is crazy about chocolate pudding. Odd mix, I know, but it did taste wonderful together.